FILTERING FOR DETECTION urine kidney stones

Kidney stones can develop anywhere in the urinary tract . Can be eliminated with urine or can block the urinary tract causing haematuria, renal colic , hydronephrosis .
The microscopic size of up to several centimeters , kidney stones are formed when mineral salts , mainly calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate , are gathered around the nucleus of bacteria, thrombus or other particles . Another substance that can cause the formation of uric acid calculi is .
Kidney stones occur due to many causes including hypercalcemia (which may occur due to hyperparathyroidism ) , excessive diet rich in calcium , abnormally prolonged immobilization of urinary pH , dehydration, hyperuricemia associated with gout , certain hereditary diseases .
The most common causes of renal stone formation is urinary stasis in the urinary concentration due to dehydration , benign prostatic adenomas , neurological disease , urethral strictures .
Calculus detection in urine requires careful monitoring of the patient will urinate in a container covered with gauze for potential calculi remain on it. This test will be continued until the patient removes calculus or before surgery , as appropriate .

Materials needed:
  • sterile compresses
  • graduated beaker
  • urinary or bedpan
  • Laboratory analysis request form
  • container to collect stones that are eliminated
  • labels
  • written instructions which the patient recalls what to do
 patient explains exactly the procedure to ensure the cooperation.
 container labels are posted
 patient is required to notify each micturition
 compress is placed over the mouth of the container and can be fixed around for more safety .
 put gloves . If the patient is bedridden and pissing in urinary or bedpan , urine will filter all graduated compression collection container attached . If you have urinary probe will filter the content header compression bag .
 will examine compress after filtering urine . If they detect computer will be sent to the laboratory in a container along with the application form analysis after it was announced and doctor.
 if Compressor will not stay calculi but tails and they will be sent to the laboratory for analysis.
 if compress will remain intact , without waste or stones will be removed and a new one for the next micţionare
Special considerations :
 if the patient is at home should learn how to filter and monitor urine and understand the importance of performing these maneuvers correctly.
 calculi may appear in different colors. If this happens , each of them has diagnostic importance by size , color , etc. .
 will withhold and send to the lab any suspicious residue will remain on the compressor because even the smallest stones can cause hematuria and pain.

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