This type of sampling with the end applicators made of cotton helps to identify agents. Harvesting procedure requires minimal contamination by normal bacterial flora present in different areas of harvest.
Once the sample is collected , the applicator is placed with the end use in a sterile tube containing transport medium .
1. Harvesting tonsillar area :
- Materials needed:
- gloves
- tongue depressor
- minilanternă / light source
- sterile applicator ends of cotton
- sterile tube with culture medium
- labels
- Laboratory analysis request form
confirm the identity of the patient
explains the procedure to reduce anxiety and ensure cooperation to
explained to the patient that may have vomiting sensation during the buffers , but the procedure will take less than a minute
patient sits on the bed or sitting in a chair facing the nurse
Wash hands and put gloves
patient is asked to hold your head back . Depress the tongue with a tongue depressor , illuminates his throat to see exactly imflamatorii areas
If the patient has vomiting sensation and language withdraws oppressors is suggested to breathe deeply . After relaxsează , insert language oppressors but less deep the first time
tonsil areas were buffered with applicator including flammable areas or purulent
sure we do not touch the applicator tongue, teeth and cheeks to prevent contamination to
applicator tube immediately placed in culture medium
contaminated waste discard gloves and wash hands
sample labeled with patient data , date and time of harvest, the place to harvesting
sample sent to the lab
2 . Harvest exudate nasopharynx :
Materials needed:
- as the harvesting tonsillar
- Optional : nasal speculum
confirm the identity of the patient
explains the procedure to reduce anxiety and ensure cooperation to
patient explained he was feeling sneezing or vomiting but that procedure will take less than a minute
patient sits on the bed or sitting in a chair facing the nurse
patient is asked to blow his nose
patient is asked to cover one nostril and breathe only the other and vice versa. Please insert the swab in nostril breathing better
patient is asked to hold your head back . Gently insert the applicator approximately 7.5 to 10 cm by taking Septra nasal swab end . Turn the pad and remove quickly
alternative press oppressors language English Patient and insert another applicator to the back of soft palate turning it quickly
applicator is inserted in the tubes with the culture medium
discard gloves and wash hands
labeled samples , laboratory forms completed and sent along with the samples to the laboratory
3. Harvesting the secretion from the wound :
Materials needed:
- sterile gloves , a sterile drape
- forests with alcohol, betadine
- sterile forceps
- sterile swabs
- 10 ml syringe
- sterile
- sterile culture tube with transport medium
- labels
- Anaerobic bacteria culture tube ( containing carbon dioxide)
- Sterile wound compresses repansarea
- Laboratory analysis request form
wash hands , prepare a sterile field , sterile gloves are put
dressing is removed with sterile forceps
Clean the area around the wound with alcohol or betadine to reduce the risk of contamination of the sample with bacteria in the adjacent wound
for aerobic culture using cotton applicator end is inserted in the wound , then gently rotate immediately transferred into aerobic culture tube
sample is sent to the lab
waste discard contaminated gloves
put gloves and recover other wound dressing
4. Sampling of the ear :
Materials needed:
- gloves
- normal saline solution
- gauze compresses
- sterile swab applicator
- sterile tube with transport medium
- labels
- 10 ml syringe , sterile
- Laboratory analysis request form
Wash hands and put gloves
gently clean excess secretions from patient ear normal saline solution and gauze compresses
applicator is inserted into the ear canal and gently rotates along the channel wall , not to injure the eardrum
Carefully withdraw applicator to avoid touching other surfaces and placed in sterile tube with transport medium
properly labeled sample and sent to the laboratory with laboratory forms
middle ear harvesting is done by the physician , after grooming external ear and compresses serfiziologic by puncture and aspiration of fluid with a syringe and then
sample sent to the lab
5. Sampling of the eye:
Materials needed:
- sterile gloves
- sterile normal saline
- compresses
- sterile applicator ends of cotton
- sterile tube with transport medium
- dispenser sterile ring , especially for harvesting corneal cells
Wash hands and put sterile gloves
deleted and excess secretions eyes with normal saline solution and gauze compresses , inside outwards
withdraws lower eyelid Conjunctivitis highlight bag . Turn the applicator pad over cojunctivă bândeţe taking care not to touch other surfaces
Keep eye applicator parallel rather than perpendicular , to prevent corneal irritation due to sudden movements
whether to harvest corneas , it will be done by a doctor using a special device with ring
Immediately place the ring applicator device or transport medium tube
waste discard contaminated gloves
labeled sample and sent to the laboratory along with forms
Special considerations :
do not use an antiseptic before harvesting to prevent eye irritation and change the likely outcome
if the patient is a child or an adult uncooperative will be asked by a colleague to keep your head still during harvest , thus preventing eye damage due to sudden movements
6. Sampling of anus
Materials needed:
- gloves
- soap and water
- sterile applicator end of the towel cotton
- normal saline solution
- sterile culture tube with transport medium
- labels
- Laboratory analysis request form
Wash hands and put gloves
explains the procedure to reduce anxiety and ensure cooperation to
ensure patient privacy
perianal wash patient with soap and water
applicator is inserted in the end of cotton ( pre- soaked in normal saline solution ) into the anus 1 cm to 4 cm for children and adults and gently rotated around it
applicator is inserted into the tube culture transport medium
contaminated waste discard gloves and wash hands
labeled sample and sent to the laboratory with the form
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