Because hormones , proteins and electrolytes are excreted in small quantities and variables in urine samples should be collected over an extended period of time to have a diagnostic value .
Tight urine samples required 24 hours are the most common , as are significant for all substances removed during this period.You can request samples and urine collected for 2 to 12 hours , depending on the information that we want to find out.In addition, samples of urine close for a period of time may be collected after a quantity of medication , such as insulin , to detect various renal diseases .
Materials needed:
- urine collection container with minimum capacity of 2 liters
- gloves
- bedpan or urine if necessary
- graduated beaker if diuresis must be monitored quantitatively
- container with ice if you can keep in the refrigerator
- labels
- Laboratory analysis request form
confirmation and verification of patient identity
explains the procedure to the patient and family to ensure his cooperation and to prevent accidental loss of urine during harvest
labels can be installed in the bathroom by the patient to remember that you should not throw urine or urine bag if the patient is probed
patient must learn to announce after each micţionare , they can avoid contaminating the sample
patient will explain food and drug restrictions where necessary
Collecting urine samples close for 2 hours :
if possible , the patient will have to drink 2-4 glasses of water 30 minutes prior to the start of harvest
After 30 minutes, ask the patient to urinate , this sample is discarded and the actual harvest begins , the patient thus empty bladder ; note start time of harvest
if your doctor prescribes will receive one dose of study drug will be indicated and write time
will give the patient at least one glass of water per hour to stimulate urine production
after each micţionare ( in flask / container urinary normal 300-400 ml ) is added in large container sample collection ;
be measured after each removal , whether diuresis must be monitored quantitatively
if possible , 15 min before the end of the indicated time to collect urine , the patient will be asked to urinate , this will be the last sample collection container added
the end of the collection , according to the internal rules of the hospital , will be covered the container and label will be sent immediately to the laboratory together with the form , or be poured into a sterile container 100 - 200 ml of the total quantity of urine will be labeled and sent to the laboratory request specifying the total amount of urine closely and time.
Strong urine sample collection for 12 to 24 hours :
patient is asked to urinate , it will throw this sample , starting from the harvesting of the patient when the bladder is empty
note the start time of harvest
samples will be collected in a container at least 2 l during the micţionari the container with urine samples should be kept cool or refrigerated (never with food or medicines )
urine will harvest throughout the specified time period , before the end of time the patient is asked to urinate again if possible , add the last sample collection container
container and label will be sent to the laboratory together with the form and will send out the total quantity of urine in a container of approximately 100-200 ml , which will be labeled and sent to the laboratory specifying the form which was the total amount and length of time the urine was collected .
Special considerations :
patient should be well hydrated throughout the collection of urine samples
patient should be taught to avoid coffee, tea or other substances during harvest , except by your doctor , not to be altered results
whether the patient has well urinary bladder is maintained throughout the collection bag in a container with ice made in the patient's bed
if you accidentally miss one of the samples , the collection must be fully resumed .
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